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Unity in exclusivity is mere tribalism - Nothing special there

That’s right. Neither does what you perceive about me matter in the least.

If teaching and preaching what I believe is considered disruptive then you’re going to be irritated to no end, for as long as I’m here.

You have a decision to make.

A wanna-be martyr. Sorry-- I cant oblige the desires of your heart.

While you consider your views as infallible, no one else does. Personally, I consider that the height of hubris.

You'll have to shine your badges on someone else's time.

My view of who God is? If that’s what you’re asking about, yes; it is infallible.
Many seek doctrinal unity.
But we discovered that they haven't accounted for the necessary compromise to make that happen.

What they really want is for everyone to JOIN their doctrinal tribe so that UNITY will happen.
Basically unity through division. Tribalism. You are in if you agree, and out if you don't.
I think it is wrong to label that as unity, as if tribalism is a virtue.

I think unity of the faith has to do with accepting and respecting others with doctrine differing from our own.
An emphasis on understanding one another rather than trying to correct each other.

1) Can there be doctrinal unity without compromise?
2) Can there be unity of the faith without conflict?


Your OP thoughts and questions are on point.

I’d answer your first question by saying- not likely on this side of heaven. However— as Christians we should be humble enough to compromise and have unity without doctrine.

As to your second question— conflict is inevitable. But there should be unity of the faith despite the conflicts that occur within the faith among members. Diversity isn’t a disease. It’s a fact.
Where do you draw the line on practical application for that?

- Should I refuse to team up with an unbeliever at work?
- Should I refuse to be on a sports team with unbelievers?
- Should I refuse the offer of business partner at work?


My family includes founding members of the very first Evangelical Free Church in Canada. Our family farm was just down the street. My Uncle became the long-term Pastor of one of the largest E-Free congregations in Canada and his church had a gymnasium! At my home church, we weren't that lucky, and would have to rent local school gyms for church basketball games and such-- just as we would rent rinks for men's hockey league. Baseball fields-- and so on.

Your questions about the sports team brought this memory up. We used to have big inter-church tournaments and I recall debates about who should and who should not be included.
Baptist Church? check
Alliance? sure
Church of the Nazarenes? hmmm..... maybe. Their pretty pentacostal. We'll invite them last, if there are still spots open.
Hey-- What about inviting the local Mormon church team? We could minister to them.... That's a hard no.
Catholics? Definitely not.
United Methodist? We do not dance with the devil-- No.

And so on.....

This was for recreational sports!
A wanna-be martyr. Sorry-- I cant oblige the desires of your heart.

You’ve made your decision, and a wise one it is. It works well for me, works well for you, and works well for our readers. Well done.

While you consider your views as infallible, no one else does.

My views, just as anyone else's, are only infallible when they align with the Messiah’s view

You'll have to shine your badges on someone else's time.

Now this comment is really interesting to me. I’m going to do something for us that I’ve only ever done one time before with one other person on a public internet discussion forum.

I was speaking for several weeks with a very well-mannered gentleman. After a while he told me that he no longer had time to discuss anything with me, was putting me on ignore, said he was sorry, and kindly asked me not to post anything directly to his attention again. I thanked him for his time (even though I knew he would never see it - it was just the right thing for me to do) and told him that that post would by the last I would address to him, then honored his request. In order to make certain that I didn’t later unintentionally post a message to him due to forgetfulness, I placed him on ignore. I’ve never forgotten this kind man and still to this day remember him in prayer from time to time.

Having no interest in wasting your time, this will be my final post to you, public or private.

I’ve never ignored a forum owner, administrator or moderator before. It never even entered my mind to do such a thing until I read this comment of yours. I’ll continue what I’m doing here on someone else’s time.

If you ever change your mind you’ll have to convey it to me through an intermediary.

Thank you for allowing me to continue speaking with others on this platform. Best wishes to you and farewell.
You’ve made your decision, and a wise one it is. It works well for me, works well for you, and works well for our readers. Well done.

My views, just as anyone else's, are only infallible when they align with the Messiah’s view

Now this comment is really interesting to me. I’m going to do something for us that I’ve only ever done one time before with one other person on a public internet discussion forum.

I was speaking for several weeks with a very well-mannered gentleman. After a while he told me that he no longer had time to discuss anything with me, was putting me on ignore, said he was sorry, and kindly asked me not to post anything directly to his attention again. I thanked him for his time (even though I knew he would never see it - it was just the right thing for me to do) and told him that that post would by the last I would address to him, then honored his request. In order to make certain that I didn’t later unintentionally post a message to him due to forgetfulness, I placed him on ignore. I’ve never forgotten this kind man and still to this day remember him in prayer from time to time.

Having no interest in wasting your time, this will be my final post to you, public or private.

I’ve never ignored a forum owner, administrator or moderator before. It never even entered my mind to do such a thing until I read this comment of yours. I’ll continue what I’m doing here on someone else’s time.

If you ever change your mind you’ll have to convey it to me through an intermediary.

Thank you for allowing me to continue speaking with others on this platform. Best wishes to you and farewell.

See ya!

Always says a lot, when someone takes their ball and goes home the minute they get their feathers ruffled.
My views, just as anyone else's, are only infallible when they align with the Messiah’s view
Assuming your understanding of "Messiah’s view" is infallible.

"Messiah’s view"? What is this anyway? No one talks that way, except you. ??? (and your tribe?) ???

I disagreed with your NARROW view of God and you refuse to let it go.


Stop speaking to me about it and I will let it go. I still haven’t the faintest idea why you want to be united with me.

I’m not going to be united with someone who comes to me with unsound doctrine. You shouldn’t either.
Stop speaking to me about it and I will let it go. I still haven’t the faintest idea why you want to be united with me.
It's called the Body of Christ (the church) have you heard of that? It's the church OUTSIDE of your little tribe.

It's easy to identify a religious cult.
They meet in the church across the street from your church.
And they feel the same way about you.
Where does that get us?
